Jim Huitt presents on the Kairos Prison Ministries.

If you missed the September 11th weekly Rotary meeting, you missed a fantastic presentation by fellow First Flight Rotary member Jim Huitt.

This writer has never been prouder to be a Rotarian than I was today to hear Jim Huitts passion for helping those incarcerated in one of this countries penal facilities through an organization called Kairos Prison Ministries.

Jim Huitt sharing with Fellow First Flight Rotary members how he serves this ministry.

What is Kairos? (Pronounced "Ki - Ros" (rhymes with "high dose") and means"God's Special Time")

Kairos is a Christian, lay-led, ecumenical, volunteer, international prison ministry in which men and women volunteers bring Christ's love and forgiveness to incarcerated individuals and to their families.
After sharing some rather startling statistics about the numbers of incarcerated individuals there are in this country, Jim shared how he and fellow Kairos Ministry members serve the men serving their sentences at two local prisons.

The mission of Kairos Prison Ministry is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities.?


The first visit is a three-day event, during which time the team teaches a short introductory course on Christianity. Subsequent visits are monthly 2 hour evening reunions with the prisoners which occur over a twelve-month period as well as a weekly meeting with the inmates for "Prayer and Share".  

The Men's Kairos Inside Prison Ministry addresses the spiritual needs of prisoners. Kairos volunteers go into prisons in teams of 30 to 40 to pray, share the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, share meals, and fellowship with the incarcerated on a one-to-one basis.


While Jim serves men, Kairos also has ministries that serve the families of incarcerated and incarcerated young people.

Much of what is contained in this article is included Kairos of North Carolina State Committee website. Thank you to all Kairos Ministries volunteers and staff for your service.

The First Flight Rotary Club meets 1 PM Wednesday's at Beachside Bistro in the Sea Ranch Resort,1731 N. Virginia Dare Trail, Kill Devil Hills, NC.

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