The Annual Essay Contest for Rotary 4 Way Test Winners annouced at May

The three Rotary 4 Way Test Essay contest winners read their essays to our members during our meeting on May 15th.

Competitors prepared an essay on how they view the application of the Rotary 4 Way Test in their lives and the world around them. We heard 3 stellar essays by these very talented middle school writers defining the actual application of the test: 
  • Is it the truth?
  • Is it fair to all concerned?
  • Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
  • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
It is one thing to say the words. It is quite another to apply the words to our lives and daily relationships. Our contestants provided us with some excellent perspectives how the 4 Way Test would make each of them a better person. 

The three contestants are:


Elizabeth Hunt 8th grade 

Sienna Black  7th grade

Blair Leano  8th grade
All three students are from First Flight Middle School. 

First Flight Rotary Club essay Panel of judges were Tom Haddon, Randi Eure and Robert Holmes who reviewed the three essays and selected which of those essays would be sent to District 7720.  

First Flight Rotary Club is one of  46,000 Rotary Clubs worldwide. Our global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, and leaders volunteer their skills and resources to solve issues and address community needs.

Rotary’s programs are developing the next generation of leaders, providing funding to make the world a better place, and making peace a priority. And our programs are not just for club members. The 4 way Test Essay contest is on of the programs that First Flight RC uses to do its part in developing our next generation of leaders.