Carpe Diem Helps Our Furry Friends - Provides Over $1K of Pet Food to Local Food Pantry

Food insecurity continues to be a concern in our local communities. Food pantries are seeing an increase not only in need, but also an increase in the number of those who patron their facilities. As the cost of housing, food and fuel increases and outpaces salaries, more individuals who have not asked for assistance are seeking it. Many of these individuals are working, but still unable to meet their family's needs. These individuals and families often have pets. It is at these critical times that the emotional support a pet can provide that they are needed most.

Because someone is down on their luck or needs some additional assistance is not a reason for them to have to abandon their pet. Often, individuals will sacrifice some of their own food to feed their pet. By providing pet food to the local food pantry, not only are we helping our furry friends, we are ensuring more of the food meant for those in need are utilized by them. We are also ensuring that the emotional support they need, that can come from a loving pet, remains in their home.  A rise in suicide rates has been seen in veterinarians, when they are faced with useless euthanasia. 

Carpe Diem Rotary Club's 2023/2023 Grant Project is to provide pet food to the local food pantry to be distributed to the clients.  Over $1,000 in pet food (and some treats) was donated to Never Alone food pantry in Woodstock, GA.  Rotarians had the opportunity to tour the active facility after the delivery and learn about other urgent needs, like pasta sauce and canned chicken.  Despite having the funds to purchase these items through the Atlanta Food Bank, there is a shortage on these items.  This knowledge has inspired Rotarians to develop additional community service projects focused on the needs of the community.